Administrative Group

Administrative Group Coordinator, AHS President

A. Chapter Committee
- to facilitate the function of existing chapters.
- to assist in the formation of new chapters
- to provide a communication link for chapters with questions or problems involving other committee jurisdictions.

B. Chapter of the Year Award an annual award will be made to the Chapter nominated for outstanding activities including at least those mentioned in Article I, Sections 5 & 6 of the Constitution of the AHS. The winning chapter will be determined by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

C. Legal Counsel

D. Lifetime Achievement Award – to recognize lifetime service to AHS.

E. Nominating Committee - to receive and tabulate names from the entire membership to be placed in nomination for election of Regional Director & Directors-at-Large; to verify availability of persons named; to work with the Membership Secretary on sending out the Nominations Requests; to provide brief biographies for the secret ballots, to be maintained in a file and updated for future use.

F. Presidential Advisory - to advise the AHS President on any matters of import to the Society. Members include past and present AHS Presidents, past and present AHS Chairman of the Board, the present Chairman of the Nominating Committee and the two current Vice-Presidents.

G. Rules - to decide questions of procedure whenever they arise in the order of business of the Society. This means clarifying points of procedure at Board and Executive Committee meetings, and reviewing and updating the Constitution and By-Laws periodically.

H. Secretary - to assist the President, take minutes of all Board of Directors, Executive Committee and General Membership meetings, and compile and maintain a file of AHS Policies.

I. Strategic Plan/Long Range Report - to clearly define the Society's mission, make an assessment of its current state, prepare a plan to achieve its desired future and then to translate this vision into broadly defined goals or objectives and a sequence of steps to achieve them.