Kids for Camp Awards

Kids for Camp Awards

The Kids for Camp Award makes summer music camp or a harp conference a reality for a young harpist who might otherwise not have such an opportunity. One or two $500 awards will be given annually to promising young harp students on the basis of great financial need.

Give today to Kids for Camp!

Would you like to help send young harp students to camp this summer?  Join the Next Generation Society with a gift of any amount, and include  "For Kids for Camp" in the "Additional comments or instructions about my gift" box on the form.  Thank you!

The 2025 Kids for Camp Application is available below.

Application deadline is March 31, 2025.  


  • Applicant must be between the ages of 12 years and 18 years on March 31, 2025.
  • Applicant must be a member of the American Harp Society.
  • The applicant should have specific plans to attend a summer music camp or a harp conference.
  • A brief biography is required, which includes musical and academic education, a general analysis of financial need, and a statement of why this award would be of help to the applicant.
  • An MP3 or video recording will be uploaded of the applicant’s playing, no more than 10 minutes in length, which demonstrates musical ability. At least one selection must be of standard harp repertoire and the others free choice. The judging emphasis is on musicality, not on technical merit or length of study.
  • Two letters of reference evaluating the applicant’s candidacy are required. One of these must be from a present or previous harp instructor.