Beverly Myrow

Beverly Myrow, 90, died on August 11, 2014 of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A harpist and harp teacher — and a nonpartisan political activist for more than 60 years — she not only taught harp to private students and at universities, but performed, beginning in high school, with Chicago-area orchestras and at numerous weddings, church programs, and for special events such as the opening of the remodeled Chicago Public Library.

Mrs. Myrow grew up playing the harp in Chicago’s Rogers Park community, studying with Marie Ludwig, the later with renowned harpist and composer Marcel Grandjany at the Juilliard School of Music in New York.  She still was teaching until shortly before her death. In addition to teaching her private students, Mrs. Myrow taught harp at the University of Wisconsin, Roosevelt University and Valparaiso University.

She was known for her original arrangements of popular tunes and Christmas carols, and her students often performed them in schools, libraries and churches as “Beverly Myrow’s Harp Angels,” in ensembles with as many as 15 harps.

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